Selasa, 17 Mac 2009

Mutiara Kata

" Jika kejahatan di balas kejahatan, maka itu adalah dendam. Jika kebaikan dibalas kebaikan itu adalah perkara biasa.
Jika kebaikan dibalas kejahatan, itu adalah zalim. Tapi jika kejahatan dibalas kebaikan, itu adalah mulia dan terpuji."
(La Roche)

"Nafsu mengatakan wanita cantik atas dasar rupanya, akal mengatakan wanita
Cantik atas dasar ilmu dan kepandaiannya, dan hati mengatakan wanita cantik
atas dasar akhlaknya."

"Kekecewaan mengajar kita erti kehidupan.Teruskan perjuangan kita walaupun terpaksa menghadapi rintangan demi
rintangan dalam hidup"

"Tanda Orang Bijaksana Ialah Hatinya Selalu Berniat Suci;
Lidahnya Selalu Basah Dengan Zikrullah; Matanya Menangis Kerana Penyesalan (Terhadap Dosa); Sabar Terhadap
Perkara Yang Dihadapi Dan
Mengutamakan Akhirat Berbanding Dunia."

" Hiduplah seperti lilin menerangi orang lain, janganlah hidup seperti duri mencucuk diri dan menyakiti orang lain."

"Kita selalu lupa atau jarang ingat apa yang kita miliki, tetapi kita sering kali ingat apa yang orang lain ada."

Kata-Kata Inspirasi Selepas Mengalami Sesuatu Kegagalan

  • Manusia yang berjaya akan memperolehi keuntungan daripada kesilapannya, dan mencuba lagi dengan cara yang lain.
  • Kegagalan bermakna bahawa anda belum berjaya lagi.
  • Ingatlah bahawa anda boleh gagal dalam apa sahaja dalam hidup asalkan tidak menjadi seorang yang gagal.
  • Kegagalan bukan bermakna anda tidak mencapai apa-apa. Ia bermakna anda telah mempelajari sesuatu.
  • Wang bukanlah segala-galanya, namun ia pasti menjadi penghubung dengan anak-anak anda.
  • Ramai orang yang masih bergantung kepada kerja-kerja yang bergaji rendah kerana mereka takut gagal jika mencuba kerja lain.
  • Kesilapan adalah bukti bahawa seseorang itu telah mencuba membuat sesuatu perkara atau pekerjaan.
  • Kesilapan mengajar kita tentang apa yang perlu kita pelajari selepas itu.
  • Apa yang anda pelajari selepas kegagalan sahaja yang dikira. Kegagalan itu sendiri tidak dikira.
  • Anda tidak gagal. Anda hanya menemui cara yang tidak berkesan.
  • Kesilapan adalah realiti kehidupan yang penting adalah tindakbalas terhadap kesilapan itu.
  • Jika anda inginkan sebuah tempat di matahari,bersedialah untuk terbakar.
  • Anda tidak harus berkata KENAPA SAYA? Anda seharusnya bersyukur kerana ANDA telah dipilih.
  • Malah kesilapan pun mungkin menjadi perkara penting bagi menjamin kejayaan yang bernilai.
  • Sekiranya anda mahu mengambil seorang pekerja, pastikan dia pernah gagal sebelumnya.
  • Kegagalan bukan bermakna anda tidak berusaha bersungguh-sungguh. Kegagagalan itu hanya bermakna anda perlu mengambil masa yang lebih lama untuk berjaya.
  • Sekiranya kita bersaing dengan diri kita sendiri dan kita mengalami kegagalan, siapakah yang menang? Fikirkanlah!.
  • "Lulus" dan "Gagal" adalah cara lama mengkategorikan seseeorang. Cara baru ialah "pengetahuan" dan"Kejahilan".
  • Jangan takut dan segan untuk setiap tindakan yang anda lakukan. Seluruh kehidupan adalah satu ujian.
  • Mungkin tiada kegagalan bagi orang yang terus berjuang.
  • Ramai orang mencari tempat yang selamat,tetapi akhirnya tersangkut!
  • Impian yang tidak terlaksana adalah impian yang terpenjara oleh musuh nombor satu-iaitu takut GAGAL!!
  • Tiada siapa yang berha mengecap anda sebagai orang yang gagal,kecuali diri anda sendiri.
  • Sekiranya anda menemui sebuah laluan tanpa halangan, ia mungkin tidak membawa anda ke mana-mana.
  • Kesilapan-kesilapan memberitahu kita tentang apa yang perlu kita pelajari.
  • Apabila anda telah sampai ke penghujung tali......dan tiada lagi simpulan untuk bergantung......lompatlah ke tali yang lain.
  • Kegagalan hanyalah satu peluang untuk anda mencuba lagi untuk berjaya!!.
  • Orang yang kurang berani untuk memulakan sesuatu, sebenarnya telah tewas!!.
  • Kita tidak mungkin dapat mempelajari sesuatu perkara kecuali kita bersedia untuk gagal terlebih dahulu.
  • Cara yang terbaik untuk belajar untuk menjadi pemenang ialah belajar daripada orang-orang yang pernah kalah atau tewas dalam sesuatu pertandingan,perbuatan atau sebagainya.
  • Kegagalan dalam hidup adalah menjadi seorang yang tidak belajar daripada kegagalannya itu.
  • Sekali gagal, tidak bermakna anda telah tewas,.....anda hanya tewas apabila anda telah berputus-asa.
  • Hanya orang yang berani GAGAL DENGAN TERUK mempunyai harapan untuk BERJAYA DENGAN HEBAT sekiranya dia mempelajari sesuatu daripada kegagalannya itu.
  • Kesilapan adalah sebahagian daripada hutang yang perlu dilangsaikan sepanjang hayat.
  • Hadiah paling berharga hanya diberikan kepada orang yang menemui kegagalan tetapi dia tidak pernah berundur atau merungut atau berputus-asa.
  • Setiap orang mempunyai keazaman yang kukuh untuk mencapai matlamat sehingga mampu mengenepikan kegagalan dalam usaha tersebut.
  • Orang yang kalah membayangkan hukuman bagi kegagalan.Orang yang menang membayangkan ganjaran bagi setiap kejayaan.
  • Terseradung bukannya terjatuh.
  • Sekiranya anak-anak diasuh untuk takut mencuba sesuatu yang baru kerana takutkan kegagalan,mereka tidak akan menjadi orang berani kelak.
  • Dalam percubaan-percubaan yang hebat, adalah dianggap cemerlang meskipun gagal.
  • Jika pada awalnya anda tidak berjaya,cubalah cari kembali arah haluan yang pernah anda lemparkan ke dalam tong sampah.
  • Apabila anda kaya,fikirkanlah saat-saat anda pernah miskin dahulu.
  • Kita memerlukan kegelapan untuk melihat bintang.
  • Hidup adalah satu kesilapan yang berterusan di mana kita belajar untuk menjadi sempurna.
  • Salah satu kesilapan besar yang boleh kita lakukan dalam hidup ini adalah sentiasa takut untuk melakukan kesilapan.
  • Jangan berputus-asa kerana biasanya anak kunci terakhirlah yang dapat membuka kunci.
  • Sekiranya anda mengalami kegagalan lebih awal,kegagalan berikutnya kurang terasa pedih.
  • Kesilapan demi kesilapan membawa seseorang menemui kebenaran hakiki.
  • Perkara paling penting apabila berhadapan dengan keadaan yang kurang menyenangkan adalah dengan memberikan perhatian terhadap apa yang perlu dibuat selepas ini,bukannya mencari-cari-apa silapnya.
  • Kesulitan menyerlahkan sifat sebenar manusia.
  • Pada pendangan saya,sekiranya anda mahukan pelangi, kenalah hujan dahulu.
  • Saya boleh menerima kegagalan kerana setiap orang gagal dalam sesetengah perkara.tetapi saya tidak boleh menerima orang yang tidak berani mencuba.
  • Anda bukannya gagal.Anda hanya tidak tahu beberapa perkara lagi.
    Satu kesalahan tidak akan menjadi kesilapan sehinggalah anda membetulkannya.
  • Kegagalan tidak menjadikan anda seorang yang gagal sekiranya anda tidak berputus-asa untuk mencuba lagi.
  • Saya tidak membahagikan dunia kepada yang lemah dan gagah,atau yang berjaya dan gagal,juga bukan di antara yang boleh melakukan sesuatu atau sebaliknya.Saya membahagikan dunia kepada mereka yang belajar dan tidak belajar.
  • Perasaan takut untuk melakukan kesilapan menghalang seseorang daripada mengesani potensi diri atau merasakan kehebatan dalam diri sendiri.
  • Setiap kegagalan adalah suatu pengajaran yang mendorong seseorang untuk mencuba pendekatan baru yang tidak pernah dicuba sebelum ini.
  • Jangan katakan kegagalan itu kesilapan.Katakan kegagalan itu adalah pengajaran.
  • Anda tidak akan mengetahu tentang diri sendiri menerusi kejayaan.Anda mengetahuinya menerusi kegagalan dan kesilapan.
  • Janganlah takut untuk mengakui kesilapan.Ia samalah seperti mengatakan bahawa anda lebih bijak pada hari ini berbanding dengan semalam.
  • Kegagalan bukan bermakna anda seorang yang bodoh mencuba.Ia bermakna anda mempunyai keberanian untuk melihat apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan.

selamat membaca!!

observe, thinking, rethinking...

things to be observed....

certain things that we need to observe...

Khamis, 5 Mac 2009

Srikandi Cinta Ku

Dingin malam tirai kenanganku
Menyerlahkan sekurun ingatan
Terciptalah rimba kehidupan
Percintaan dalam perjuangan
Kesetiaan sebagai bekalan
Bisikan penuh pengharapan
Tiada garis dapat memisahkan
Segalanya kudratMu Tuhan
Alam bagai mengerti
Segala yang terjadi
Embun menitis panas simpati
Pertemuan tiada awal akhir
Perutusan berdarah ku terima
Gugur kuntum di tengah halaman
Medan ini kurasakan sepi
Terpaku pilu
Ku semaikan pepohon kemboja
Yang bunganya adalah hati ku
Semadilah dalam kedamaian
Semangatku tetap bersamamu
Kan kuusung oh! jenazah cinta
Semadikan nisan kasih suci
Semangatmu tetap bersamaku
Selama pasti
Debu malam meragut kenangan
Menyedarkan dari lamunanku
Percintaan dalam perjuangan
Kau abadi Srikandi Cintaku

Selasa, 3 Mac 2009

Belajar Merawat Santau

Assalamualaikum. Pada hari ini tokngah berpeluang mengikuti sesi kuliah oleh Ust Mokhtar Kasan daripada Darussyifa Bangi yang datang ke sini untuk mengajar kami cara-cara merawat santau. Memandangkan zaman moden ini masih banyak lagi manusia yang tidak berhati perut belajar membuat santau. Secara ringkasnya santau ini merangkumi mantera,bahan dan makhluk halus. Tiga komponen ini digabungkan barulah dinamakan santau.Santau juga biasanya dilepas oleh pembuat santau ditempat-tempat terbuka seperti kedai makan dan majlis kenduri kahwin. Akan tetapi janganlah pula kita salahkan tokey kedai makan pula! Mereka tak bersalah dalam hal ini akan tetapi yang bersalah ialah pembuat santau yang mencari mangsa di tempat awam.Santau ini terbahagi kepada 4 bahagian iaitu:
1. Santau angin
2. Santau tuju
3. Santau makanan dan minuman
4. Santau langkah
Zaman sekarang umur belasan tahun juga sudah diajar membuat santau.Bahkan mat rempit juga belajar sama.Semua ini adalah untuk keseronokkan diri dan bermegah-megah dengan ilmu yang diajar oleh makhluk halus.
Untuk makluman pembaca entry ni, Ust Mokhtar Kasan ialah perawat Darussyifa Bangi yang khusus untuk merawat santau. Kami gelarkannya sebagai 'pakar santau'.Bahkan semasa kuliah, bila tiba tajuk santau, Tn. Guru sendiri meminta Ust Mokhtar Kasan mengajar tajuk tersebut.
Banyak juga kami perolehi ilmu dan maklumat semasa kuliah yang disampaikannya. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat santau antaranya serbuk kaca lampu kalimantang, bisa ular,miang buluh,miang rebung, hempedu katak puru,tulang binatang mati beragan dan banyak lagi.Bagi kami santau ini motonya ialah 2M iaitu menyeksa dan membunuh.Sebagai contoh kalau kita baru terkena santau di kedai makan, biasanya kesan yang akan ketahui ialah selepas 2 tahun. Kesan yang biasa terkena pada pesakit ialah sentiasa batuk-batuk. Kalau kita pergi ke klinik kemudian makan ubat batuk kemudian sembuh itu bukan santau namanya. akan tetapi maksud tokngah kalau kita dah makan ubat batuk tapi tak sembuh juga maka bolehlah kita pergi dapatkan rawatan alternatif.Santau yang paling bahaya ialah santau tuju.Kalau kena santau tuju biasanya mangsa akan kena muntah darah.
Kami juga menjalankan sesi praktikal dalam sesi kuliah tersebut . Cuba lihat gambat tersebut:

Inilah cara-cara nak merawat santau. Salah satu bahannya ialah daun nangka. Daun nangka ini gunanya untuk menepuk belakang pesakit. Kalau pesakit terkena santau biasanya serbuk-serbuk kaca,miang buluh atau rebung,rambut dan sebagainya akan keluar dari dada pesakit.Oleh kerana benda tersebut sangat halus, lampu suluh dan kanta akan digunakan untuk melihat serbuk tersebut.
Untuk merawat pesakit yang terkena santau, pesakit hendaklah membuka baju. Bagi pesakit perempuan, perawat mestilah perempuan. Di Darusyifa ada ramai juga perawat perempuan.Mengikut maklumat dari kawan tokngah yang pernah mendapatkan rawatan di Bangi, nisbah jantina pesakit ialah 2 lelaki 8 perempuan.Ertinya ramai pesakit di kalangan perempuan. Tokngah cerita bukan untuk menakutkan pembaca entry ni, tapi itulah realitinya.


Racun Santau

Santau ialah sejenis sihir iaitu racun yang diberi kepada mangsa melalui zahir atau melalui angin iaitu melalui pemujaan syaitan atau jin. Mangsa yang kena santau selalu dibinasakan dengan perlahan-lahan sama ada supaya dia menderita berpanjangan yang berakir dengan kematian, atau pun menemui ajalnya dalam jangka masa tertentu.

Ada 2 jenis santau:
1. Santai yang disediakan dan diberi makan kepada mangsa secara hakikat atau zahir. Kesan santau ini semata-mata bergantung kepada kekuatan dan keberkesanan bahan racun santau yang diadunkan. Walau bagaimanapun bahan itu mudah keluar melalui saluran najis seperti proses makanan biasa.

2. Santau yang disediakan daripada bahan dan kaedah tertentu yang menggunakan hikmat. Istilah hikmat di sini bermaksud santau yang dibuat disertai pemujaan syaitan dan jin. Santau jenis ini tidak mudah keluar melalui saluran najis. Ia akan kekal dalam badan selagi tidak dikeluarkan dengan cara tertentu. Mangsa santau walaupun telah diubati tetapi saki baki santau yang tinggal dalam badan akan membiak dan boleh menyebabkan mangsa berkenaan sakit semula.

Ada tiga jenis bahan utama yang selalu digunakan untuk menyediakan racun santau. Bahan-bahan ini terdiri dari benda-benda gatal (miang), bisa dan pedih.

1. Bahan Bisa boleh diperoleh daripada bahan untuk membuat racun seperti air lipan bara, bisa ular senduk, bisa ular kapak, bisa katak puyu, ubur-ubur, bisa getah ipuh, buah kacang hantu, bisa akar-akar kayu dan sebagainya.

2. Bahan Miang/Gatal diantaranya ialah sepertu miang sembilu buluh, miang tebu, miang rebung, tali guni, ulat bulu yang masih hidup. Mangsa yang terkena santau ini selalunya akan merasa gatal di tekak, manakala badannya terasa bisa.

3. Bahan Pedih (melukakan) yang menyebabkan mangsa merasa pedih apabila terkena santau. Bahan tersebut adalah kaca, mentol lampu, rambut, benang sutera, tali sabut, kuku manusia atau binatang, kelongsong telur ayam, bahan-bahan kotor daripada binatang yang telah mati seperti kulit lipas, lipan dan sebagainya.

Dalam pengalaman penulis mengubati pesakit racun santau, penulis telah bertemu dengan pesakit yang disantau dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan lain seperti bangkai tikus dan juga tuala wanita (sanitary pad) yang telah digunakan.

Santau hikmat atau lebih dikenali sebagai 'santau angin' atau 'santau seru', santau ini akan dihantar kepada mangsanya dengan menggunakan perhidmatan syaitan atau jin. Santau angin boleh dihantar ke rumah atau ke tempat kediaman menyebabkan ahli atau sebahagian mereka yang mendiami rumah tersebut terkena santau.

Tanda-tanda awal seseorang itu terkena santau ialah rasa perit dan gatal pada tekak yang disertai dengan batuk. Batuk merupakan tanda yang paling lumrah bagi mereka yang terkena santau. Pada peringkat awal batuk disertai dengan pening kepala dan deman pagi dan petang. Batuk ini berlainan seperti batuk biasa. Ia merupakan batuk kering yang memanjang tanpa mengeluarkan kahak. Pesakit akan batuk pada masa-masa tertentu sahaja seperti antara pada pukul 12 tengah malam hingga 5 pagi. Pesakit juga akan merasa lesu dan deman, tidak boleh tidur malam, rasa gelisah, dan tidak berupaya berfikir seperti biasa. Kadangkala mangsa akan muntah darah. Darah yang keluar adalah akibat luka atau kerosakan mana-mana organ dalam badan dan akibat terkena bisa santau atau bahan-bahan yang melukakan. Apabila batuk sampai ketahap serius, pesakit akan muntah darah bercampur dengan nanah. Pesakit kadang-kadang akan berasa seolah-olah ada rasa busuk keluar dari saluran tekaknya. Ini terjadi akibat luka yang telah menanah dari mana-mana organ dalam badan.

Sintom atau kesan yang lain termasuk:
1. Pesakit akan berasa lenguh sendi terutama di bahagian lutut dan pinggang.
2. Berasa tidak selesa dan sering sakit kepala.
3. Kurang selera makan menyebabkan badan kurus, pucat, letih dan kurang aktif.
4. Kurang daya ingatan.
5. Berubat tabiat asal menjadi pemarah atau panas baran.
6. Sakit di bahagian tengkuk.
7. Kesan lelah atau asthma.

Bahan-bahan racun santau ini akan bergerak sedikit demi sedikit menurut pergerakan darah dan berhenti di sendi-sendi. Kemudian ia akan terus bergerak ke hujung kaki dan tangan. Sekiranya kuku seseorang itu berwarnia hitam kebiru-biruan, ini menandakan pesakit itu sudah sampai ke peringkat yang teruk. Ketika ini pesakit selalu berasa kebas di kaki dan tangan.

Bahan santau yang diperbuat daripada bahan gatal, miang dan bisa itu apabila terkena pada organ-organ tertentu boleh menybabkan bahagian-bahagian tersebut luka dan berkudis. Kuman-kuman yang ada pada kudis itu akan terus menyerang anggota badan lain sedikit demi sedikit. Kuman-kuman ini mungkin menyerang paru-paru, buah pinggang, dan anggota yang lain. Serangan pada bahagian ini menyebabkan pesakit mendapat sakit sampingan sepertu lelah, sakit buah pinggang, hati (liver) dan sebagainya.





Structural failures occur from time to time, not only in Malaysia but also through world wide. However, the coming of sophisticated technology such as the application of software tools in structural system cause the nowadays engineering students and professional engineers unaware of the human factors that cause to the structural failures. Today, there are many articles, books and conferences have been discussed about the structural failures due to the human factors. In Malaysia many cases of the structural failures but the most famous are Highland Towers Condominium and Middle Ring Road 2 (MRR2) that was blown up by media with the concern of the public safety. This issue is something that should be interest to engineers as the word "structure" more synonym to engineers.


It is indicated by Alexander and Abi, 2006 that structural failures occur from time to time, as seen from the recent (January 2006) rash of roof collapses in Germany, Poland, and Rusia. Even though, there are many investigations, examinations and prevention identified and approached but still have the issue on the structural failures. In Malaysia itself, there are many cases of structural failures whether they are due to human errors during design or construction stage, software tools, stochastic variability or uncertainty. Take for examples the cracks appear on a 20m high concrete retaining wall at Taman Meru Jaya in Ipoh, Perak (Mohd Nazam Md Kassim, 2008), the collapse of Bungalow at Taman Hillview, cracks of MRR2, the collapse of Highland Towers Condominium and many more.

There are many investigation have been carried out across the world in analyzing the event that cause the structural failures and revealed that a majority occurred as a result of human errors particularly those occurring during design and construction stage (Buletin Ingenieur, 1995, pp. 29). Thus, the study on the two cases; Highland Towers Condominium and MRR2 which are situated in Malaysia will come across on the possibility if human errors contribute to those problems. Besides, the study also will identify the effects of structural failures to the users and what are the initiatives has been taken in order to eliminate or reduce the occurrences of the human errors which due to structural failures.


2.1 Structural failure

Based on the Buletin Ingenieur, 1995, 'structural failure' is defined as the incapacity of a structure or its components to perform as specified in the design and construction requirements (quoted in Hadipriono, 1985). Thus, the failure of the structural also can be referred to the word collapse, cracks, trembled down which is related to the part of the structure to fail in functioning.

By referring to Macmillan English Dictionary, 2002, 'structural' means related to the structure of something such as building and 'failure' means a sudden loss of a particular quality or ability, especially in a difficult situation. Therefore, structural failed to function also can be due to respective failure modes such as instability, fatigue, or any which cause to the inservicibility of the structure or its components which is not resulted to collapse, or trembled down but it only can cause to cracks, shrinkage or settlement.

2.2 Human Errors

Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus, 2007, the word 'human' referring to human being, a man, woman or child and similar meaning to the word weak, vulnerable, erring and imperfect whereas the word 'error' means a mistake, or being wrong and similar meaning with the word inaccuracy, miscalculation, blunder, slip-up, oversight, misprint, fallacy or misconception. Based on the definition clearly shows that human are highly in tendency to make error or doing wrong in whatever they do. Thus, there is possible that the structural failures due to the human errors whether during design stage or construction stage.


The methodology is the framework of the whole term paper presented. This is how the researcher derived his information in organizing way. In this term paper, the researcher used the collection of data from primary data and secondary data. The methodology applied in this paper is simplified in the Figure 3.1 below which is abstracted from Haslina Abd. Hamid, 2006. According to Naoum, 2003, there are many ways in getting and gathering information, by primary data (survey, case studies, and interview) and secondary data (books, journals, magazines. etc.)

However, this term paper focused on the secondary data which is data from books, journals, articles, newspaper and then goes through the case study of the two cases that has been chosen.

Figure 3.1: Research Methodology Structures



Highland Towers Condominium situated in Taman Hillview, Ulu Klang, Selangor, Malaysia. It was constructed sometime between 1975 and 1978. The Highland Towers were three blocks of 12-storey apartment; each block was respectively named Block 1, Block 2 and Block 3.

A Block of Highland Towers Condominium collapse in December 1993 not only causes to the loss of property but also sacrifice 48 lives as per photo 4.1.1.

Photo 4.1.1 Block 1 of Highland Towers at Taman Hillview Selangor, Malaysia collapsed on

11th December 1993 (*abstracted from


Based on Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya, 1994, the collapsed of Highland Towers Condominium was due to landslide that has been triggered by the structural failure of a rubble wall there. It has been reported that the Factor of Safety of the rubble wall in the Highland Towers was found to be less than 1.0 even without considering any presence of geological features such as relic joints and water table. Here, obviously, the human error in preparing inadequate design of walls and slopes during the design stage caused to the structural failure of the rubble wall which also contribute to the structural failure of a block of Highland Towers Condominium.

As according to, a team of expert from different field has carried out a detailed investigation into the causes of the Highland Towers collapse and the result is the site is found to be tectonically stable and no active fault movements had been recorded.

Buletin Ingenieur, 1995, also reported that geotechnical in nature, involving weak foundations and succession of landslide due to the collapse of the building structure.

Based on Trett Consulting, the landslide that brought down Block 1 of Highland Towers was found by the Court to have been a rotational retrogressive slide emanating from a high retaining wall behind the second of a third-tier car park serving the 3 blocks of the Highland Towers. This failure due to high wall to fail because of water emanated from poor and non-maintained drainage, as well as a leaking pipe culvert carrying the waters of the diverted East Stream. In accordance with the judgments by the consulting resulted to the followings report:

The First Defendant was liable in negligence for:

i. not engaging a qualified architect,

ii. constructing insufficient and inadequate terraces, retaining walls and drains on the hill slope which could reasonably have been foreseen to have caused the collapse

iii. Diverting the East Stream from its natural course and failing to ensure the pipe culvert diversion was adequate, and in nuisance for not maintaining drains and retaining walls.

The Second Defendant (Architect) was liable in negligence for:

i. not having ensured adequate drainage and retaining walls were built on the hill slope adjacent to the Highland Towers site, which he foresaw or ought to have foreseen would pose a danger to the buildings he was in charge of,

ii. not complying with the requirements of the authorities in respect of drainage, in colluding with the First Defendant and Third Defendant (the Engineer) to obtain a Certificate of Fitness without fulfilling the conditions imposed by the Fourth Defendant (the Local Authority), in so doing not complying with his duties as Architect, and

iii. not investigating the terracing of the hill slopes and construction of retaining walls even though he was aware they would affect the buildings he was in charge of, and also in nuisance as he was an unreasonable user of land.

The Third Defendant (Engineer) was liable in negligence for

i. not having taken into account the hill or slope behind the Towers,

ii. not having designed and constructed a foundation to accommodate the lateral loads of a landslide or alternatively to have ensured that the adjacent hill slope was stable,

iii. not having implemented that approved drainage scheme,

iv. Colluding with the First and Second Defendants to obtain a Certificate of Fitness without fulfilling the conditions imposed by the Fourth Defendant and also in nuisance as he was an unreasonable user of land.

In relation to that it caused to the loss of property and sacrificed life. Thus, Buletin Ingenieur, 1995 stated that the Ministry of Housing and Local Government take serious consideration by:

· Established Construction industry Development Board (CIDB) to control the quality of construction works

· Amend the Roads, Drainage and Building Act 1974 that enable the local authorities to terminate of project if project to be found unsafe and fund amounting RM 50,000 to RM 500,000 or 10 years imprisonment to the responsible person.

· Imposing more strict conditions for the construction of high rise buildings particularly on hill slopes and mining land, the foundations of which must be approved by a registered geotechnical engineer.

· The requirement imposes for the local authorities to check the safety of buildings of more than five storeys high for every 10 years.

· Increasing awareness among developers, engineers and contractors that they are equally liable for any failures that may happen and that they may be charged under a criminal procedure so that, they are required to submit their names to the relevant authorities prior to construction.

· Employment of only qualified and suitable professionals for checking and approval of plan. For this purpose, all town and district councils should include at least one experienced engineer in their organization.

Besides, based on Faisal and Hui, 2006 pp. 146-153, due to many disaster due to landslide or soil erosion so there are the suggestion on the implementation of EWARNS (Early Warning And Risk Navigation System) to local authorities. Through EWARNS, can provide timely warning to the public and authorities via SMS alerts, especially concerned and affected parties to take specific precaution wherever any warning of high risks areas is triggered.


Middle Ring Road 2 or well-known as MRR2 is constructed by package. The crack occurred is at flyover in Package 11 with cost RM 238 million. The discovery of the crack is 1.7km section of MRR2 from Kepong Indah to the Damansara-Puchong Highway since 9th August 2004. Besides, there are also problem occurred when concrete fibre fell from pillar 28 after repairing works has been done cost RM 75 million. Photo 4.2.1 is the pillar 28.

Photo 4.2.1 Protective covering on Pillar 28 of MRR2 bridge in Kepong (abstracted from nstonline, 2008)

The Particular detail of construction team involved is:

Halcrow Consultancy Ltd, a British consultant

Leonhardt and Andra, a German consultant

Contractor, Sukmin-Bumihiway-KKM(Wilayah)


According to Wahid 2006, the crack formation of MRR2 may be due to design and construction errors. However, the exact official report of the possible causes of the crack is not publishing to public but it should be available access for desk study as to increase the awareness of engineers due to the mistake.

As stated in New Straits Times, 2004, there are also spark off by reporter that the crack due to the design of the crossbeam of flyover, and the length of column reinforcement. Clearly, there were design deficiencies and problems in detailing.

According to The Sun, 2008, the problem of pillar 28 , where three pieces of carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) was crack and snap. As said by Parliament's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid, Public Works Department (PWD) is still investigating if the crack is because of the material failure. Roger Buckby, Halcrow's senior consultant said that, the company advised the PWD in 2005 not to use such carbon fibre straps because of the problem of ductility but the department still proceeded with such material.

Based on the new Work Minister, Datuk Mohd Zin Mohd said that tensile stress on the highway might have been too much for the CFRP to bear which cause the carbon to snap and crack.

Due to crack of MRR2 and the failure of pillar to support the flyover, so PWD take initiative to close two lanes and only one lane open to users. According to Star Online, 2008, the jam stretched over 3km to the Bandar Sri Damansara toll plaza after the three-lane road was reduced to one. This also caused the users to stark in the jam almost 2 hours before the lanes we re-opened.

Therefore, the initiative taken for safety purpose is to close the MRR2 that affected by the faulty pillar and beam crack and a crane is used to peel away the remaining dangling pieces of concrete and conduct inspection works.

The defect works taken is that the faulty pillar is wrapped to prevent more pieces of carbon fibre from falling. The PWD will affix a temporary support brace called 'tie-frame', the metal structure on the affect pillar 28 of MRR2. Besides, Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid also mentioned that, PAC proposing for stringent standard operating procedures (SOP) in terms of structure inspection on JKR. This is in addition to having more regular inspection to the current twice per annum practice. He mentioned also that PAC should have a special meeting after receiving the preliminary investigation report from JKR.

PWD also has taken the contractor, Bumi-Hiway to court due to the incident.


Based on the findings above, therefore it can be summarized on the factors due to structural failures, the effects towards users and the prevent action taken in order to reduce the structural failures from occurring again.


Based on the thorough study on the two cases above, the types of human errors that contribute to the structural failures are:-

· Preparing inadequate design of structural components during the design stage

· Not compliance with the standards code of practice in determining the safety factor

· Geotechnical engineer not properly carried out the soil investigation which result to weak foundation

· Preparing inadequate design of drainage caused the water not properly discharge

· Failure in determining the suitable material to be used

· Inaccurate result of structural design analysis

· Selfishness and unaware of the responsibilities (Professional ethics)


  • Caused the users starked in jammed everyday until re-opened of the MRR2.
  • Create higher risk for accident to occur
  • Users suffer due to the unavailability of public facilities that they are deserved
  • Make unsmooth traffic flow that affect in terms of time and cost of users


  • Establish a body to monitor and control the construction project such as CIDB.
  • Increase fund and responsibility as to increase awareness to construction team
  • Empower stringent approval procedure as to enhance the awareness of particular involved in construction world


As a conclusion, the collapse of Highland Towers Condominium and the crack of MRR2 are due to human errors during design and construction stage. Although today there are the coming of sophisticated technologies which can carry human works with minimum inaccuracy but yet still the human errors occur. Therefore, the structural failures act as alarm trigger to the professionals to aware on their possibilities on performing their task. This is as lesson as the phrase 'learn from mistakes'. In addition to that, initiatives have been taken due to the failures as to enhance the performance and knowledge of the construction team.

Research Proposal


1.0 Introduction

In the 21st century, there are various visions and objectives developed by the Government in order to raise the quality of life of Malaysian citizenship. One of the visions is Vision 2020 that is proposed by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad which is to create Malaysia from a developing country into a fully developed country through enhancing construction sector.

Though today's construction industries are using advanced and sophisticated technologies but there are still some construction projects failed to complete on time and being abandoned. Yet, today, the issue on delayed and abandoned of construction projects is the not a new issue, however, they are always debatable and appeared about these whether through mass media or media electronic.

In relation to that, it caused difficulties to certain people, such as, the project of residential or house development which practice 'sell and build' will cause difficulties to the buyer to have their house on the fixed time. They have to pay rental for the house that they are now staying and at the same time they have to pay for the new house that they assume to finish on the fixed time that they have informed. So that caused difficulties to them especially to the people with low income per month to pay for two houses. Yes, although they, (the purchasers) is given compensation on that but the compensation is not get on the dot, they also have to use their own money while waiting for the reimbursement, so, obviously, this situation affect the financial budget of certain people.

Although these issues many times been debatable and complaining through mass and electronic media, yet still the same problem encounter. Everybody put a blamed to each other, starts to complain and argue without trying to find the solution. We, can see, today this issue is one of the most hot issue which always publish in the newspaper and also television. Some of the issues are solved but some still not.

As a consequence of this issue I am curios to know or to find out based on various question that I have creates such as why these happened? Whose fault? Who should be blamed? Therefore, this project paper is to propose my research on construction project problem that is delayed and abandoned projects. Based on the problem I would like to find out the factors contribute to projects failed to complete on time.

2.0 Aim of the Study

The aim of this study is to identify and analyze why projects failed to complete on time, to observe the affect of the problem and to propose the appropriate solution in order to overcome or reduce the problem occurred.

3.0 Objective of research:

a) To find out what are the factors that contribute to the delayed and abandoned of construction the projects.

b) To observe the effects of the problematic constructions projects towards the people, construction itself and parties involved in the projects.

c) To discover the appropriate solution that has been taken in preventing the delayed and abandoned project.

4.0 Literature review

Nowadays, there are many construction projects being delayed or abandoned. As according to Haslina (2005), “Currently, the construction industry is quite disappointing where there are many projects fail to be completed on time, and even worse some of the projects are being abandoned by irresponsible contractors or developers”. Actually, what is delay? According to Macmillan Dictionary (2002), the term delay is defined as a situation in which something happens later or more slowly than you expected. In addition, according to Hashim (2001), delay is a loss of time in construction project. However, in accordance with Oxford Fajar (2000), abandon can be defined as give up completely especially something has begun.

Based on observation in the newspaper, there are about RM 3 billion have been spent in order to revive the abandoned projects and RM 500 million to repair the damages. These situations normally occur due to poor planning and monitoring of the projects. Therefore, based on the statement, it can be said that one of the problems that caused to the delayed and abandoned of the projects is a poor management of the construction projects.

Furthermore, according to Housing Ministry and Local Government (2001), it is reported that at the end of year 1999, there are about 493 abandoned projects in the country, whereby the top three highest number of abandoned project was Selangor state which is about 78 projects (15.82%), followed by Perak, 77 projects (15.62%) and Johor, 66 projects (13.41%) which has been abandoned. Although it is reported that they are many projects abandoned but some is been revived which is proved by Kamarul Syahril and Lilawati (2004), stated that, from 493 abandoned project has been reported, there are about 317 (64.3%) out of 493 abandoned projects has been revived.

Besides, poor management of the construction projects, there are many factors direct to abandon and delay project. One of the factors why project failed to complete on time that delayed or abandoned is because of the developer faced financial problem. This problem is come across by the officer of Kuala Selangor District Council, Mohd Saad (2006), which mentioned that the reason why low cost of 5 storey apartment at Mukin Ijok project, Bandar Alam Perdana, in Selangor abandoned is due to the developer LBCN Dev. Sdn. Bhd that faced financial problem.

On the other hand, the delay of the construction projects is commonly to find. Almost all the construction projects are deal with this problem. I can say it is 90% of the construction projects are completed behind the scheduling. There are several factors of the delayed and abandoned of the projects can be detected. As according to (Hensey, 1993; Keith, 1995), there are many reason contribute to delay such as shortages of materials, labours, equipment and financial factor.

5.0 Problem statement

There are many issues of construction projects that delayed or failed to complete on time. These problems give impacts to the parties involved, individual and the project itself. However, every problem should have the solution similarly to this condition. Therefore, the matters that I want to encounter are as the following accordingly by the sub topic.

a) Factors contribute to the delayed and abandoned of the projects

  1. Abandoned
    • contractor's attitude
    • financial constraint
    • poor management

This is because the main contractor misuse on spending the advance payment that he should spend it on the project but he did conversely by use that money on his personal expenses. Thus, he cannot continue the construction work due to the financial constraint as a consequence of his misuse the advance payment. Besides, his attitude is very important as it affect the reputation of the management of the construction works. In relation to that, the project abandoned also is because of the poor management by the contractor in managing his cash flow towards the project. However, there is also the financial constraint faced by the client subjected to the abandon of a project in which the client has not enough money to spend on the project.

  1. Delayed

· Problem in providing the interim payment

· Poor in conducting soil investigation

· Variation orders – design changes

· Late in giving architectural detail drawing

· The client delay in confirming the architecture items

· Material shortage – sand, concrete and steel

The delayed of the construction projects is due to poor in conducting soil investigation as while the construction running, the contractor found rock on site which is not stated in the bill of quantities, whereas the existing of rock should be known during the feasibility study. Therefore, it considered as one of the variation orders pertaining to the excavation in rock. Besides that, late in giving architectural detail drawing to will contribute to the client in delaying confirming the architecture items to be used, especially the materials which is supplied buy limited manufacturer and required specialist to construct them. Meanwhile, material shortage such as sand, concrete and steel also is part of the delayed causes. This is due to the increasing in the sand prices on January 2005 in which Selangor Government freeze permit for the excavation of sand.

b) The effects of the delayed and abandoned of the construction projects.

· Both contractor and client suffer loss due to extra cost

· Contractor also is imposed LAD by the client

· Contractor cannot get back his bond (performance bond, PB)

· Client cannot get use the building on time

· The prolongation of the contract period.

Both Client and Contractor suffer loss due to extra cost. The extra cost such as the loss and expenses occurred in consequence of the delayed or abandoned. The contractor also will be imposed LAD by the client as failed to complete within the EOT given without any valid reason. Client cannot get use the building on time. Contractor cannot get back his bond (performance bond, PB).

c) The solution of the delayed and abandoned of the construction projects.

· Re-tendered after the termination of the contractor within 120 days

· Imposed LAD to the terminated contractor

· By granted EOT to the contractor

· Retain the terminated contractor's bond (PB)

Every Government projects that are declared as abandoned projects will be re-tendered again after the termination of the contractor within 120 days. The Government will imposed LAD to the terminated contractor as to recover loss and expenses suffered by the client. The EOT also is very useful solution; by granted EOT to the contractor in the situation where the Client caused the delayed as the chance for the contractor to complete the projects. In the abandoned cases, typically, Client will retain the bond (PB) of the main contractor as punishment for the contractor that caused abandoned of the project.

6.0 Definition of variables

A characteristic measured for each subject in a sample is called variable. The name refers to the fact that values of the characteristics vary among subject in a sample or population. Variables can be dividing under the categories of independence variables and dependence variables. The independent variable is basically about the respondent profile, while the dependence variable is about the respondent awareness regarding the topic. Variables can also be divided into three; qualitative, quantitative and ordering.

For this research on the delay and abandon projects, researcher intend to use qualitative and ordering. In the qualitative variables - in nominal scale, the researcher try to find out about the post of the individual involved. Meanwhile, in quantitative variables – in ordinal scale, the researcher also observe and analyze about the respondent responses regarding the topic – factors, effects and solution of the delay and abandon projects.

Thus, for this research proposal, the variables that the researcher tend to use are:

Dependent variable (DV) = 1. Factors caused to the delay and abandon projects.

2. Effects of the delayed and abandoned projects.

3. Solution to decrease the delay and abandon projects.

Independence variable (IV) = 1. Contractor's attitude

2. Financial constraint

3. Poor management

4. Parties involved in the project

5. Problem in providing the interim payment

6. Poor in conducting soil investigation

7. Variation orders – design changes

8. Late in giving architectural detail drawing

9. The client delay in confirming the architecture items

10. Materials based on market condition

7.0 Unit of analysis

Statistical methods provide a way to deal with variability. Variation occurs among people in the construction, the variety of project itself and various subjects in the construction world. The important variable that have to study are by sampling data, which dependent variables are the focus of the study. The variables which are important regarding to the topic are factors, effects and solution of the delay and abandon projects. These entire variables are the main focus of the study. The results on the topic will depend on the survey that has to be done from the respondent or particularly the construction teams.

8.0 Sampling and sampling level

Descriptive statistical methods provide ways of summarizing the data. Inferential statistical method use sample data to make predictions about population. Thus, we must make a decision which subject of the population to become our sample. Selecting a sample that is to be the representative of the total population is an essential element that must take into concern. Therefore, the target of the population is for the people who involved with the construction world.

Most survey research will involve sampling of some kind. Sampling is a process of selecting participants for a research purpose. It is by obtaining sample of the survey population. It means that the sample is a subset of the population selected for the research study. The sample should be smaller than population size selected for the inclusion in the research. The principle objective or purposes in sampling is to obtain a representative selection of the sampling units within the population.

For the purpose of study the sampling method will be the people in the construction industry. It would be a simple random sample which may control the amount of sampling error. The sampling method is 1/10 of the professional teams in the construction industry or in other words, every 10 professionals, 1 will be interviewed based on the research study.

9.0 Scaling and measurement

The key variable used in the study has to be scaled and measured. This is essential when involved concepts or some variables which are abstract in nature. Operationalization has to be right. The dependence variables are about the respondent awareness and opinion towards the topic which are the factors, effects and solution of the delayed and abandoned projects.

10.0 Method of data collection

Methods of data collection are one of the vital parts in a research study process. Every variables need to be collected through a proper method based on their availability and suitability. Each variable has its own specific methodology. For this research proposal I proposed to use as below:

a) Interview with representative either from JKR, DBKL, contractor and consultant from any project.

b) Case study on the delayed and abandoned projects.

c) Sources from book, journal for additional support of our finding analysis.

d) Internal sources to review the relevant current information on the focus study.

Primary data

However interviewing need to be thought out carefully as there are different types of interviews. There are three types of interview such as the following:

i. Structure interview – this interview is associated with the survey style of research where a standard interview schedule is design to answer a series of specific question on a face-to-face basis. This interview will produce quantitative data for analysis.

ii. Semi-structure interview - this interview will have specified questions but will allow more probing to seek clarification and elaboration.

iii. Unstructured interview – this interview is associated with ethnographic research where the aim is to understand the perspective of the interviewee attaches to situations and contexts important to her or him.

Besides, interviewing, the technique to collect the data is observation, which based on the objectives and what to study in this research. Observation was made in order to identify the site condition, management of the construction processes, communication among the construction teams and etc.

The case study also will be conducted as to come out with the factors, effects and solution of the delayed and abandoned projects. Thoroughly, find Government project which are using similar standard form of contract and study the problem occurred, how the problem can be solved and the impacts to surrounding people or only to the construction team only.

Secondary data

Secondary data can be obtained from the related agencies, newspapers, journals articles and even internet sources. However, secondary data are mostly toward the calculation, definition, concept and ideas. These information are needed for references in defining some terms for backgrounds and definition and review the objectives of some agencies or departments.


Why construction projects delayed or failed to complete on time? (1.mostly, 2.few, 3.very few, 4.none) 1 2 3 4

1. Poor project management

2. Financial constraint

3. Materials constraint due to market condition

4. Disputes among the constructions team in the projects

5. Contractor's attitude

6. Problem in providing the interim payment

7. Poor in conducting soil investigation

8. Variation orders – design changes

9. Late in giving architectural detail drawing

10. The client delay in confirming the architecture items

What is your opinion towards the project management in a construction project?

1. A critical aspect to be focus on

2. Very important

3. Important

4. Not important

5. Not important at all

Materials are influenced by the market condition, so it can cause to the lack suppliers of materials to the construction works, thus it also contribute to the delay of the constructions works.

1. Agree

2. Totally agree

3. Disagree

4. Totally disagree

Who always create disputes in the construction works which cause the chaotic of construction works?

1. Contractor

2. Client

3. Professional team (Architect, Engineer, Quantity Surveyor, etc.)

4. Others

5. Not sure

11.0 Data analysis

After data collection, data will be analyze, which can be manipulated, interpreted and compared. There are varies methods and techniques for summarizing and interpreting data. The process begins by examining numerical descriptive measures, and then conveyed to the graphical representations of data.

In a study, the method of data analysis is important because it determines the output of the study. All the raw data that were gained from the surveys were analyzed through regression, descriptive statistics, descriptive frequencies and comparison. In order to analyze all the data gained from the primary data stage, some computer software were used such as SPSS and Microsoft Excel. As the result, the information produced will be in descriptive, analytical and interpretive in nature.

Besides, the hypothesis test also is very important as to know the relationship between variables. Hypotheses are most effective when they make a clear and forceful statement. The testing of hypothesis is apart in forming theories. Hypothesis can be tested whether parametric test for scale data and non-parametric test for ordinal or nominal data. The example of parametric test is One-way ANOVA, (Contrast or Post Hoc) and non parametric test is Chi Square, Pearson or Spear men rho. This is applied based on the suitability.

A hypothesis is directional or non-directional will depend on the nature of the hypothesis. A directional hypothesis will be tested using one tailed procedure whereas the non-directional hypothesis will be tested using the two tailed procedures. Example of two commonly known as null and alternative hypotheses which are formulated as below:

H0 : There is no relationship between parties involved and factors contribute to delay and abandon of a project.

Ha : There is a relationship between parties involved and factors contribute to delay and abandon of a project.

The rejection of null hypothesis based on the significance level. The significant level for one tailed is 0.05 which cover 95% confident level. However, if it is non-parametric test, the test is two tailed test so the significance level divided into two, which it will become 0.025.

12.0 Expected finding

From this analysis, the expectation is that the descriptive statistic can give the mean value for the respondent perception because of it is an ordinal data. Through the reading and also the observation, the professional teams, money or financial and the market condition as reflect the materials price and supplies variable usually influence a lot when dealing with construction projects.

Furthermore the factors, effects, and solution of the delayed or abandoned projects are due to the professional teams, market condition which affect the materials, and management of a project.

13.0 Conclusion

From the research study, identification of the factors contributes to the delayed and abandoned projects are very essential as it give impacts to various people. Through this research study also enable us to find out the solution of the problem. In order to achieve the successful of the solution that has been taken to decrease the numbers of the delayed and abandoned project, all parties have to be stimulated to concern the needs and priority in the construction processes.

14.0 Research Schedule

This table shows the flow of my research from the first starting from the idea is developed until the conclusion of my research including in collecting procedures of my prior research.

Table 1.0 Research schedule




Reading – finding the idea/topic


Reading, consultation with expertise – developed idea and prepare statement of problem, formulate the objectives of research


Developed propose data collecting – through primary and secondary such as case study of any projects but in area Kuala Lumpur or Selangor only, interviewing session with professionals in construction.


Suggestion on the Data analysis & expected Finding that I planned to be.

Conclusion based on the research proposal.